The Schalke fans, and Dortmund too when they came, made more noise than any other set of fans that have visited, way more than any British fans. But the orchestrated way they do it is a bit wanky. They have a few cheerleaders who spend the whole time with their backs to the game banging a drum and conducting the crowd. Of course the Germans have always been pretty good at organising mass public events.
The general noise made across any of the big british clubs is not that different, it's more about the "event" than the particular set of fans. Even at the little clubs that make such a big deal about the noise their fans make you've got to listen to some of the shit that it's made up of. Like Stoke barracking and booing Ramsey for having the temerity to get his leg broke, sometimes it's as much about the quality as the quantity.
I watched Arsenal a few times (courtesy of some prawn sandwich tickets) before I went to the Middle East and I have to say that the 6000 travelling Schalke fans made more noise that the Emirates faithful.