I called out a prime bellwhiff this morning on Victoria Park Road for undertaking me and a large vehicle negotiating a narrow one way street with cars parked on both sides and motorcycles overtaking down the right side. I slowed down with the slowly moving traffic as there really wasn't enough room to safely filter at this point and as I checked over my left shoulder the cockwomble squeezed past me and down the side of the truck. This is before he undertook a car indicating left at the roundabout and headed over to the second exit.
As I casually passed him further up the road, I told him that he shouldn't have undertook me at all, let alone head down the inside of the truck there. Then I got told I was dangerous for slowing down with the traffic and I could've caused an accident by changing my speed...
I slowed down enough as I passed him to have this conversation before calling him a silly old cunt and cycling off. If you read this or are on here, my point still stands. Slowing down with traffic is much safer than undertaking large vehicles with very little room to do so.
P.S. he wasn't even wearing a helmet, which doesn't bother me, but if he believes cycling in this manner is correct then maybe he should reconsider.
I called out a prime bellwhiff this morning on Victoria Park Road for undertaking me and a large vehicle negotiating a narrow one way street with cars parked on both sides and motorcycles overtaking down the right side. I slowed down with the slowly moving traffic as there really wasn't enough room to safely filter at this point and as I checked over my left shoulder the cockwomble squeezed past me and down the side of the truck. This is before he undertook a car indicating left at the roundabout and headed over to the second exit.
As I casually passed him further up the road, I told him that he shouldn't have undertook me at all, let alone head down the inside of the truck there. Then I got told I was dangerous for slowing down with the traffic and I could've caused an accident by changing my speed...
I slowed down enough as I passed him to have this conversation before calling him a silly old cunt and cycling off. If you read this or are on here, my point still stands. Slowing down with traffic is much safer than undertaking large vehicles with very little room to do so.
P.S. he wasn't even wearing a helmet, which doesn't bother me, but if he believes cycling in this manner is correct then maybe he should reconsider.