@lynx - wouldn't pay any attention to Mapei saying it needed to be mixed mechanically. I have always mixed by hand with no issues.
I'd be inclined to try a specific wide joint grout. BAL do a wide joint grout here: https://www.tilefixdirect.com/product/BAL-Wide-Joint-Grout?gclid=CjwKEAiAo7C2BRDgqODGq5r38DsSJAAv7dTPPC5bZFjgXRtHh56yyR4XbjsIJD_wzq96SwAzJ8ZkGxoC8XDw_wcB#BAWJG10
I've not used BAL myself and I have never had a problem with Mapei - it may have just been the mix ratio that caused it to dry to quickly or something. Anyway, BAL gets rated by a lot of trade folk so I'd give that a whirl. Good luck mate
Need some advice, looking to regrout a bathroom floor. The old grout was everbuild and seem to have comeout in an area. The gaps between the tiles are quite big some areas are arounf 15mm or more. Replaced it all with some mapei stuff but that cracked and came out quite quickly. Was told by mapei I had not mixed the grout correctly as It should have been mechanically mixed.
So any ideas if there is a grout that can cope with that big a gap.