• #3527
Just sign up with them and go!
Erin, Lori and I were thinking of road trippin' it, most of Oz will be there (natch) so the hecklin' party will be on fulltilt2damax...
Hope to see some of you there! It'd be dumb of me not to go over...
• #3528
Bring your polo bike, or a bike, you'll regret it later on in the evenings when people are rolling off to the next party somewhere and you have to taxi it...
• #3530
Hi guys, we are organising a little league WE in Rouen the 21st / 22nd of November.
This will be a squad so 5 vs 5 (25min), 8 teams. The level of play is average, we're trying to mix things up by avoiding more than 2 "world class" players in the same team.
We still have some space for 1 or 2 squads. If some of you are up for it. send me and email at:
• #3531
nice short notice
• #3532
it wasn't supposed to be open outside of our area in France as it's part of the "Ligue du crachin", but seing as there are still some slots, I thought it might interest some players here.
• #3533
Kitcher-Waterloo (next nearest club to Toronto) have just finished a new permanent court. Looks pretty sweet, gonna play on it next weekend:
• #3534
OK, I'm sitting in Erin's backyard in Surrey Hills and we're discussing (again!) whether we should head to Timaru for beerlelz or not... Who's bought tickets? Is Fin coming? Or are you coming to us in Brisbane/Sydney?
• #3535
Bruv come to NZ
• #3536
Any suggestions for an Aussie player (as most likely) to join a qualified Euro team? Mathias and I need a third!
• #3537
https://www.instagram.com/p/BBi6NtHPlttU833sGdFazBaCMDEYfO_T_2ef4I0/?taken-by=wooflass Pdfcomm international. <3
• #3538
don't really know where to put this, but I was driving to london last weekend and spotted an awesome location that is the Lee valley hockey and tennis courts. These are located right next to the olympic park. Any idea what the surface is or who/is it possible to contact someone about using the courts? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Lee+Valley+Hockey+%26+Tennis+Centre/@51.5535848,-0.0160127,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-4CDtDX7OwFw%2FVMnRp5kEICI%2FAAAAAAAAADU%2FzxRK5AMSaAo!2e4!3e12!6s%2F%2Flh4.googleusercontent.com%2F-4CDtDX7OwFw%2FVMnRp5kEICI%2FAAAAAAAAADU%2FzxRK5AMSaAo%2Fs203-k-no%2F!7i2048!8i1362!4m2!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x366dfb0380c768ff!6m1!1e1
• #3539
• #3540
Could be astro turf no?
• #3541
Yeah, probably. I hate astroturf, there are so many sweet courts around just covered in the shite and Bristol is soon to lose theirs to it.
• #3542
Hockey pitch is probably astro alright.
The six outdoor tennis courts might be tarmac.
• #3543
does anybody in london know of or have a room that i can short term let a couple months. sofa crashes or anything similar. i have a couple months between moving houses and need a place to live!
• #3544
I think @JonoMarshall is looking to sublet his room for a month or so
• #3545
Or just be your charming self and find some nice ladies beds to share.
• #3546
Whatever you do, don't use the snottyotter method.
• #3547
Staying at the hotel backyourself every night for a couple of months would be impressive.
• #3548
Anyone going to Bristol from London that can do a bit of delivering for me for beer?
• #3549
Whats the address of where the courts are in Bristol? looking at hotels/hostels for that weekend.
• #3550
Mad Pete's camp site! I'm gonna miss that place as much as the courts, it's less than 5 mins away.
Wot, no Emmet in Monster Truck? Boo hiss. :)