Your profile links to a website that makes it clear you're just shilling overpriced Nags and the like to city boys. Clearly you've followed me because you think the fact I talk and write about markets makes me some overpaid banker. I'm not. I'm a financial journalist. And if I were going to spend that kind of money on a bike I'd support a British frame builder, not piss it away on some gaudy overhyped and underwhelming 'premium product'
Oh dear! Don't flatter yourself XXXX. I use an app that helps me follow people who might like cycling. Its random and automated. You numpty. I'm not interested in the slightest in your opinions. Small time journalist : )
That's a relief - it would have been mortifying had your pathetic efforts to shill shitty bling actually been targeted. In any case, enjoy your empty life as a craven marketer - I recommend you listen to some Bill Hicks, he has wonderful advice for people in your profession. Cheerio!
Our brief conversation