Thanks for all the info on tracking everyone. Thinking draining phone battery options not ideal as would like to rely on phone for emergency calls (and regular scenic selfie tweets of course).
Used Garmin Live Tracking for a two hour run the other week, iPhone 5 battery was down to 90% when I got back. It was all along the Thames towpath (Putney to Chiswick and back) so good but not perfect reception the entire way. My Forerunner 920xt was providing the location data though, not the phone itself, which may help reduce battery drain.
Thanks for all the info on tracking everyone. Thinking draining phone battery options not ideal as would like to rely on phone for emergency calls (and regular scenic selfie tweets of course). Had thought about SPOT but agree may be overkill but perhaps better that than not.
Can I look at yours & chat about it over that beer I owe you for that Salsa stem @andy_k?