It has WiFi so I can send photos to my phone, but I tend to edit on Lightroom on the laptop in the evening of the day I shoot the pics.
I do have Lightroom mobile though so I don't have to bother with image hosting, I can just save my images to my phone from there and upload them straight on here.
Ah I see - I assumed you were uploading them on the fly! I've just bought the official Apple SD card reader for my iPad, so that should make things easier/faster!
It has WiFi so I can send photos to my phone, but I tend to edit on Lightroom on the laptop in the evening of the day I shoot the pics.
I do have Lightroom mobile though so I don't have to bother with image hosting, I can just save my images to my phone from there and upload them straight on here.
Spoon man was taken yesterday lunch time.