Sacked off my run home 2km in yesterday with calf pain. I don't think it's anything serious - I spent ages foam rolling last night and it feels a bit better today (as in, I can walk without an obvious limp and can go down stairs again). Great start to marathon training but I'm still weirdly excited about it.
Two questions!
Firstly, I want new shoes - where is good in London that isn't Canary Wharf?
Secondly, I'm going to Istanbul next week and am reading conflicting advice about running there (ie. anything from "it's great, you'll love it!" to "wtf are you thinking, it's horrible and smoggy and everyone will lech at you"). Anyone got anything to add to this?
Sacked off my run home 2km in yesterday with calf pain. I don't think it's anything serious - I spent ages foam rolling last night and it feels a bit better today (as in, I can walk without an obvious limp and can go down stairs again). Great start to marathon training but I'm still weirdly excited about it.
Two questions!
Firstly, I want new shoes - where is good in London that isn't Canary Wharf?
Secondly, I'm going to Istanbul next week and am reading conflicting advice about running there (ie. anything from "it's great, you'll love it!" to "wtf are you thinking, it's horrible and smoggy and everyone will lech at you"). Anyone got anything to add to this?