I've had 2 proper problems in thousands of miles in London, only after the latest accident when I was taken to hospital has the bike been stranded. Battery problems usually materialise when you're at home so you have to charge it indoors and pop it back on or push start it. Punctures, you can still make it to the nearest tyre place. I have a big toolkit at home but almost never needed it around town, if you have a problem you just ride slower or push it to the nearest fix.
Good idea to be prepared though, my riding patterns might be different to yours.
Ha! No this is for central London (well zone 2... for now). So I can always park my bike up and sort it later I guess.
But I'm just getting a bit more concerned after having a bit of bad luck.
The planned tool kit so far is literally Allen keys, screw driver, cable ties, puncture kit, etc.
But at the moment for my OEM kit doesn't actually have the right selection of Allen keys to take the bits off needed to get to the battery.
Ive bought a new battery, so maybe this is all misplaced. But it'll be a fucker if I need to make a small repair on a weekend/late journey home and can't.