My fat-burning capabilities have improved through marathon campaigns, but I'm happy to run up to 24 miles on a cup of coffee, and maybe just needing some water on the way round if it's warm. That's if the pace is kept easy. Different matter if there is any quality in there so if I'm practising marathon pace I'll get some more food in before the run (either porridge/banana breakfast and longer to digest, or even a mini-carb load the day before), and also take/purchase a Lucozade Sport or gel on the run.
My fat-burning capabilities have improved through marathon campaigns, but I'm happy to run up to 24 miles on a cup of coffee, and maybe just needing some water on the way round if it's warm. That's if the pace is kept easy. Different matter if there is any quality in there so if I'm practising marathon pace I'll get some more food in before the run (either porridge/banana breakfast and longer to digest, or even a mini-carb load the day before), and also take/purchase a Lucozade Sport or gel on the run.