• Question. I've got Huawei P8 that's testing my patience and want to upgrade.

    £375 for a Nexus 6P or £249 for the OnePlus 2. My last three phones have all been dual sim.

    I've seen that most people on here seem to be pleased as chips with their Nexi and I really liked the Nexus 4 BITD (mrs still uses it today). But dual sim and £125 is pushing me towards the O+ 2.

    What to do?


  • I've had an OPO for ages and for the most part I really enjoy Cyanogenmod and the hardware is fine.

    I've had a bit of a read up on the OPT and realised that there's no official CM release and that the Oxygen OS or whatever it's called OP's in-house android OS) is buggy and still on Lollipop.

    Personally, unless I could get CM13 or some other non-OP rom I'd probably avoid it.

  • I'm still on lollipop now so that's not going to matter that much. Also read about it being buggy but again to have dual sim and £125 less I could probably live with that as well.
