My Dad has the previous iteration of the Yamaha AS 501 connected to a set of big floorstanders (Krix Lyrix Gold) and it sounds excellent. Properly shakes the apartment when he turns it up, which he does because his hearing is less than optimal!
Yamaha amps are always solid, good sounding and reliable. Think the current one he has is 10 years old and with constant use (used for TV/DVD too).
@Apone and @chrisbmx116
My Dad has the previous iteration of the Yamaha AS 501 connected to a set of big floorstanders (Krix Lyrix Gold) and it sounds excellent. Properly shakes the apartment when he turns it up, which he does because his hearing is less than optimal!
Yamaha amps are always solid, good sounding and reliable. Think the current one he has is 10 years old and with constant use (used for TV/DVD too).