I'm not big on their version of android, battery is on 40% after 4 hours of use. Can't preselect numbers for dual sim (unlike Motorola) and just hate how it imports all ycontacts from gmail, it basically displays anyone who you've had an email correspondence with. Regardless whether you've created them in contacts or not.
Nothing major but considering I've had pure android or something very close to it it's enough to flog the phone and get an upgrade, however minor it is.
The battery is the biggest let down for me.
Question. I've got Huawei P8 that's testing my patience and want to upgrade.
£375 for a Nexus 6P or £249 for the OnePlus 2. My last three phones have all been dual sim.
I've seen that most people on here seem to be pleased as chips with their Nexi and I really liked the Nexus 4 BITD (mrs still uses it today). But dual sim and £125 is pushing me towards the O+ 2.
What to do?