I'd say they have done at least 6000 miles probably a fair bit more, I do though they are used all year round in all weather. The nipples seizing is due to that, have replaced the rear bearings once and the freehub is just soft and hets cassette bite easily compared to other wheels i have had. If it was just the rim that needed replacing I would do that though. They were the best option for the money when i bought them but these days are a lot more people making disc wheels. I thought the hunt 2 year warranty and 60 day return would be worth the extra money over these.
I'd say they have done at least 6000 miles probably a fair bit more, I do though they are used all year round in all weather. The nipples seizing is due to that, have replaced the rear bearings once and the freehub is just soft and hets cassette bite easily compared to other wheels i have had. If it was just the rim that needed replacing I would do that though. They were the best option for the money when i bought them but these days are a lot more people making disc wheels. I thought the hunt 2 year warranty and 60 day return would be worth the extra money over these.