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  • I did La Tania a couple of years ago, There is a surprising amount of quilted designer onesies and fur hats in Courchevel

  • Perfect place to debut my quilted designer onesie.....

    I've heard Courchevel/3 valleys as a whole is pretty good though? two parks and a bit of off and side piste action?

  • Plenty of action to keep you going - Courch has some lovely long open blues for cruising. Meribel has a couple of Parks and good kickers. It also has the Rond Poin and Foulie Douch for good après ski
    For a good leg burner head to Val T first thing, head to the top and fly all the way back to Courch 1650 via VT, Meribel and Courchavel. You'll have earned a couple of beers at the end of it
