"Beats per mile" is a really useful objective measure of fitness, I think. When I was in the habit of regularly monitoring HR there was a strikingly close relationship between my bpm on easy runs, and race times. (Anything ~900-1,000 was good, slightly meaningless to compare across different people since max HR can vary so much...) The good thing with this measure as opposed to simply pace, is that you're not tempted to run your easy runs too quickly. If you happen to run a bit quicker for the same HR, all well and good, but equally running the same route at the same pace, but seeing a lower HR, is an encouraging sign.
"Beats per mile" is a really useful objective measure of fitness, I think. When I was in the habit of regularly monitoring HR there was a strikingly close relationship between my bpm on easy runs, and race times. (Anything ~900-1,000 was good, slightly meaningless to compare across different people since max HR can vary so much...) The good thing with this measure as opposed to simply pace, is that you're not tempted to run your easy runs too quickly. If you happen to run a bit quicker for the same HR, all well and good, but equally running the same route at the same pace, but seeing a lower HR, is an encouraging sign.
Steve Way's a top fella, and an absolute machine!