Not sure if you want to know this or if you already do. But, it's something I stumbled on.
I needed to build a dashboard using pivots controlled by a slicer. SIMPLES so far.
One of the displays had to use median age. Which isn't a real option in pivots. So.
I created a pivot with ONLY the field I needed a median from. I put this field as the row label.
I then defined the column it was in as a named range.
I then wrote in a cell, far far away,:
=IF(ISERR(AGGREGATE(12,6,Row_Labels_F)),"Nothing to see here", AGGREGATE(12,6,Row_Labels_F))
Now when I use the slicer to show my data I get a median age as well as all the max, mins, whatever else I'm displaying and are linked by the slicer.
Not sure if you want to know this or if you already do. But, it's something I stumbled on.
I needed to build a dashboard using pivots controlled by a slicer. SIMPLES so far.
One of the displays had to use median age. Which isn't a real option in pivots. So.
I created a pivot with ONLY the field I needed a median from. I put this field as the row label.
I then defined the column it was in as a named range.
I then wrote in a cell, far far away,:
=IF(ISERR(AGGREGATE(12,6,Row_Labels_F)),"Nothing to see here", AGGREGATE(12,6,Row_Labels_F))
Now when I use the slicer to show my data I get a median age as well as all the max, mins, whatever else I'm displaying and are linked by the slicer.