Passing through Tufnell Park this morning, I saw someone with what looked like a homemade disc rear wheel on a rickety road bike. Looked like he had stuck it over the spokes and coloured it in using a felt-tipped pen.
Seen that guy a ton of times - all black everything bike and headphones right? He hops on the pavement whenever a red light or slight traffic jam appears. I call him out, he doesn't give a damn, repeat every week or so.
Nope, red bike. Headphones and woolly hat. Maybe he's got homemade discs on all his bikes. Doesn't give a damn sounds right. I actually asked about the wheel but he didn't hear me, too busy rocking out.
Passing through Tufnell Park this morning, I saw someone with what looked like a homemade disc rear wheel on a rickety road bike. Looked like he had stuck it over the spokes and coloured it in using a felt-tipped pen.