I'm in the middle of converting a friend's TT bike to 1x10.
Over on TTF there's a lot of chat about chain keepers, N/W chainrings etc.
When I asked on here (was thinking of using a clutched RD), the consensus was that it's only a problem if you have a wide ranged cassette, as this is what allows chain slap.
I hope to have it built up by the weekend: I'll keep you posted...
I'm in the middle of converting a friend's TT bike to 1x10.
Over on TTF there's a lot of chat about chain keepers, N/W chainrings etc.
When I asked on here (was thinking of using a clutched RD), the consensus was that it's only a problem if you have a wide ranged cassette, as this is what allows chain slap.
I hope to have it built up by the weekend: I'll keep you posted...