• ... the sexual fetish of Chinese foot bindings...
    The what?

    Where do you get this rubbish?



    See also
    Med Hypotheses. 2007;69(4):938-41. Epub 2007 Mar 26.

    .."Historians of the period have noted that Chinese men viewed foot-binding as conducive to better sexual intercourse because they believed that women with bound feet had vaginas that were more highly muscled and sensitive. We hypothesise that since foot-binding kept a girl's feet small and atrophic, this resulted in underutilisation of the foot areas of her somatosensory and motor cortices. This resulted in cross-activation between the redundant foot cortex and the adjacent genital areas in her brain. Hence women with bound feet devoted a disproportionately large area of the sensory and motor cortices of their brains to their genitalia and pelvic floor musculature, which made them more sensitive and pleasurable lovers. This caused Chinese men to prefer their sexual partners to have bound feet, which resulted in the enduring popularity of foot-binding in China over the last millennium"..
