Sapim Leader Plain Gauge Spokes are £0.19 each so that's £6.08 for 32
Sapim Race are £0.79/£0.69 each so that's £22/£25 per wheel so a bit too rich for my build.
In comparison, Araya Stainless Steel Plain Gauge Spokes are only £6.70 for 36 on eBay:
So I am likely to go for these.
I need 272mm front / 280mm rear spokes.
Sapim Leader Plain Gauge Spokes are £0.19 each so that's £6.08 for 32
Sapim Race are £0.79/£0.69 each so that's £22/£25 per wheel so a bit too rich for my build.
In comparison, Araya Stainless Steel Plain Gauge Spokes are only £6.70 for 36 on eBay:
So I am likely to go for these.