• Following mention of polaroids, the last time I used one was several years ago. A very standard camera, 600 film, put the pack in and it spat each one out, one after the other. I was sad. I wondered if it was because of the battery in the film pack expiring? I haven't tried again. Camera was fine when last used (a few years before that).

  • I'd say most likely it was the camera, I've only come across a flat battery once, and when you put the film in it doesn't do anything, no power for the camera to spit out the black card, what you can do in that instance is transfer all the films (carefully in a pitch black room or under a duvet) to an empty pack that has power. If the camera was continuously spitting out film without depressing the shutter then I'd say the ejecting mechanism was malfunctioning. Maybe a broken spring. The opposite can also happen whereby it doesn't eject at all.

  • Yeah that makes sense. Think I still have a long-expired pack somewhere that I was saving to use in something DIY. The camera had just been sitting on a shelf for the intervening years, as far as I know.


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