• #52
As you may know over the past year the DfT has been running an application process for organisations wanting to become recognised as ITOs. The Department has announced that Durham County Council and Cycle Confident have now been recognised as ITOs following this process (and further announcements may be also made).
ITO Quality Assurance
ITO Quality Assurance (ITO QA) will start in the new year. The first ITOs to receive an ITO QA visit have been selected and will be notified shortly -
• #53
@skydancer or anybody involved with NSIs. Can you tell me if, as I have, one failed to re-register as an NSI into the new database launched last year, by Feb 20th 2015, that I won't be able to register as an NSI again? I will ask CI Ltd (who trained me and for whom I have worked a little over the last five years) but I thought I'd ask if any here knows what to do first.The letter from DoT came, with three weeks to get it sorted, last year when I was just undergoing treatment for a really bad broken arm / dislocated elbow. I was basically off my chops on painkillers and really quite depressed for some time. So consequently doing normal things like answering letters and taking action on things went out the window.
I just found the letter and realised I am probably no longer an instructor, technically. Anyone know what to do?
• #54
You should be fine Ben. Either contact steer davis Gleave or your ITO saying you're activ and they'll sort it...
• #55
Aha yeah ... active I'm not, but I think this is the year I get my mojo back on the NSI tip.
Thanks for the reassurance tho. I'll get in touch with CI ltd.
• #56
Yeah, we've had a couple of instructors do the same thing in the past week @Skülly. You'll be fine, as @skydancer said.
• #57
Are you still instructing Ben?
I am thinking seriously about getting trained as a post full time parenting career and wouldn't mind a chat about it.
god I love the internet sometimes.