It's aimed at the policy debate. There is clear evidence that compulsory helmets (and, by implication, higher helmet-wearing rates) have a negative impact at a population level. As the helmet advocates have realised the public policy debate has blown up in their faces, they produce constant scaremongering about not wearing a helmet in order to influence individuals and then push their products on them, hoping that at some point wearing rates will be so high as to persuade more governments to make them compulsory. Trying to get in by the back door.
It's aimed at the policy debate. There is clear evidence that compulsory helmets (and, by implication, higher helmet-wearing rates) have a negative impact at a population level. As the helmet advocates have realised the public policy debate has blown up in their faces, they produce constant scaremongering about not wearing a helmet in order to influence individuals and then push their products on them, hoping that at some point wearing rates will be so high as to persuade more governments to make them compulsory. Trying to get in by the back door.