• This is how the major wheel manufacturers make wheels with few spokes that dont fall apart. One of the keys to a long lived wheel is a stiff rim, thick spokes are not really needed.

    hovis get a tension guauge. Kinlin rims have a tension limit of around 1200N like most rims. Which rim do you have? Never found one that is not round. The latest XR22t and XR31t are HED round every time. The R460 in comparsion show more radial movement (still not alot).

  • I am referring to the XR22t rim that bikehubstore were branding as their own for a while. It was not up to QC standards imo. The pinned joint was terribly aligned and I had to take sand paper to it to level off a distinct ridge there. And also a hop at the joint too. Mind, the front rim was fine and it built up well so perhaps it was just a dud. But even still, am put off.

    Received a r460rim yesterday and so far looks good. Will true it up tonight and report back
