Link doesn't work this one does: http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/01/first-monkeys-engineered-to-have-autism-like-symptoms-raise-hope-caution/
I'm wary of this talk of "cure" as you don't have ASD, like you have a cold. It's intrinsically linked to the brain, and the connections form differently. As we are our brain, what is there to "cure"?
I appreciate the big problems it can cause for people (I'm very familiar with it myself due to people I know) but there's a risk of seeing difference as inherently problematic, whereas it's the sensory issues/social issues/society not adapting (though it is now with job agencies for ppl on the spectrum) causing issues, and perhaps more so than the "condition".
The Chinese have created monkeys with autism, I'll post a link later. Poor things
Edit: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2016-01/26/autistic-monkeys