• #18727
He was beheading people before it wasn't cool.
• #18728
yeah, blood under my fingernails, is like, intense
i would have no problem with cleaning his ears out..
• #18729
I really enjoy being called a hipster. It really makes me laugh.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
You like bikes. They're hip. Hipster. *sigh
See also: Records. Uncool records. Cool records. Guitars. Jeans. Music that's not played on Radio 1 (you big contrarian hipster snob!). Boots. Having a beard. Not having a beard. Being interested in fashion. Not being interested in fashion. Following trends. Bucking trends. Not giving a fuck. HIPSTER! Ha ha ha. etc.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
• #18730
and whatever you do, don't try and defend yourself.
• #18731
Don't for one second think about pushing back against the suggestion that your interest in whatever is a fashionable affectation, because the "I was into whatever before it was cool" prosecution will be invoked. It's a no winner. You have to just shut the fuck up and be mocked.
• #18732
Things that are definitively NOT hipster (the safe list):
the fast and the furious movies
stag dosAND THAT'S IT
• #18734
I can knock the design up for you, my mate in Newcastle is doing a special offer at the moment, 30 shirts for £120... Black on black, obvs...
• #18735
*gets called hipster
• #18736
Fucking hipster
• #18737
can one be accused of hipsterism for calling someone else a hipster?
• #18738
existentialism thread>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #18739
"Hell is other hipsters." (Jean-Paul Sartre)
• #18740
These feels, I know them etc.
Sometimes a catchy tune is a catchy tune. Never in my life have I resisted the mainstream so hard only to be confounded with music from adverts, or on television in general....
I compiled my end of year music list (which is in the appropriate thread on here) only to discover how mainstream it was shortly after when talking to people about said music...
I might as well admit to being a middle aged man who's past it music wise and go and buy a few Superdry items to max out my wardrobe with capitulation threads so everyone knows....
• #18741
"Cogito ergo hipstorum"
• #18742
next time someone calls you a hipster, punch them in the fucking throat - it's not like they're not asking for it. fuck anyone that feels it's acceptable to question your credibility.
• #18743
^Nobody believes you when you say that.
• #18744
/punches self in throat.
• #18745
"Cogito ergo hipstorum"
Dalston delenda est
• #18746
• #18747
can you hear me?
• #18748
This thread just got way meta.
• #18749
Things that are definitively NOT hipster (the safe list):
the fast and the furious movies
stag dosAND THAT'S IT
Uh you forgot some stuff. Like BarBQue pulled pork & ribs. Spar are currently doing a telly ad for their 'award winning' offerings.
• #18750
Can't wait for Filipino food to become the latest fad. Would the balut be stocked next to the eggs?
ultimate 'lifestyle choice'
yeah, i like, um, yeah like, beheaded terrified women and, like, kids, it was like, awesome...