• #6552
Ah! I remember why! I used to listen to the Circle Research show, after buying their vinyl releases way back. He's their friend, featured on songs and on the show. Definitely worth checking out.
• #6553
Fat man in lycra and 'keen cyclist' councillor John Byrne convinces Bolton Council to petition UK gov to make helmets compulsory. Here we go again. Bangs head on desk http://www.thisislancashire.co.uk/news/14130373.Council_will_call_on_Government_to_make_cycle_helmets_compulsory/
• #6554
erm - where's your helmet, john?
• #6555
Who can fail to see the logic of "He has personal experience of the vital importance of cycle helmets..." and "...the doctors said..."?
“In Australia and New Zealand it is compulsory to wear cycle helmets...”. Hmmm. I wonder what effect this has had?
“Motorcyclists have to wear helmets and they are on the road the same as cyclists, so why shouldn’t it be the same?” Good point John! Could we also make a full set of leathers compulsory cycling wear?
• #6556
I'd be more concerned about the loose Luco bottle rattling out and becoming a hazard to other riders.
• #6557
GMP Radcliffe @GMPRadcliffe Dec 14
Any cyclist who doesn’t wear a helmet is asking for trouble. Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of serious head/brain injuries in an accident -
• #6558
Sometimes the people who manage the social media accounts for old bill are as thick as mince.
GMP Radcliffe @GMPRadcliffe 4m4 minutes ago @edspindrift If you think I am unintelligent I will bow down to your superior knowledge of health and safety and say Goodbye.
A sulky copper, whatever next. All I did was ask why peds don't get blamed for not wearing stupid plastic hats.
• #6559
I don't have twitter but
@Jasondodd111 @mindful_man So you want a scientist who is a specialist in safety equipment to do the Racliffe Twitter account?
Needs to be pointed out that we wouldn't ask a 'safety equipment specialist' for policing advice.
• #6560
That's not all you did really. I agree with your message but your choice of language isn't ideal if you're trying to educate and inform. You might find people aren't terribly receptive to your message if you treat the discussion like a punch up.
• #6561
these keystone kops operations are run by a laughably sensitive man-child who accuses anyone that dares question his motives of being a troll before blocking them.
https://twitter.com/CambsCops -
• #6562
Possibly. Being told I'm "asking for trouble" by the same people who would investigate my being hit by a car when I haven't done anything wrong is annoying.
• #6563
GMP Radcliffe @GMPRadcliffe 4m4 minutes ago The tweet I put on upsetting a number of cyclists was about protecting your head from injury if you came off your bike.It was worded badly.
• #6564
Folding helmet http://www.morpherhelmet.com/
The designer appears to be of the "I fell off and a helmet saved my life so everybody should wear one" school.
It's been designed for all those Boris bikers who don't wear helmets (and also suffer very few serious injuries but that doesn't seem to be mentioned ...)
• #6565
Don't do anything, ever, while wearing one.
• #6566
Heh. As ever, John Adams passim:
• #6567
In an extraordinary study, Dr Tim Gamble and Dr Ian Walker, from the University of Bath’s department of psychology, have shown that wearing a helmet is likely to increase sensation-seeking
Nominative determinism?
• #6568
It's aimed at the policy debate. There is clear evidence that compulsory helmets (and, by implication, higher helmet-wearing rates) have a negative impact at a population level. As the helmet advocates have realised the public policy debate has blown up in their faces, they produce constant scaremongering about not wearing a helmet in order to influence individuals and then push their products on them, hoping that at some point wearing rates will be so high as to persuade more governments to make them compulsory. Trying to get in by the back door.
• #6569
What's in it for anyone other than manufacturers though?
• #6570
The emotional kick of persuading people that your strongly held views are correct and then influencing them to behave in a way that you approve of.
Religion innit?
• #6571
This is one of those instances where I'm not that bothered about the motivations of the designer. Although it is a part of the narrative of the product, it isn't essential to the end user. They have, perhaps quite smartly, marketed it at the accessibility/portability issue rather than trying to offer any increased safety. It's extending the scope of the choice to wear a helmet.
As a non-evangelising helmet wearer, I understand the issues with portability. I use to have a "beater" helmet which I was happy to just leave with the bike when I locked it up outside. That died a natural death and so now I just have the good helmet that I'd rather not leave unattended. It is a hassle to cart it around. I could be interested in a folding helmet. Although not this one because it's fugly and, despite no reasonable justification, I'm vain.
• #6572
True, it's possibly also something I would use. At the moment I tend to skip a helmet when I'm going somewhere it would be awkward (which is slightly illogical as that's often when I'm going for a few beers and am probably more likely to come off after).
The designer posted on another forum I use though and was very evangelical/scathing of any not everyone needs to wear a helmet all the time arguments.
I also wasn't too comfortable with stuff like this on the kickstarter page (my emphasis):
STOP PRESS: The Evening Standard, London's evening newspaper, reported on Thursday that after a cycling accident in Spitalfields on Monday night, 27-year-old Claire Pepper's head became trapped under a VW Golf. “If I had not been wearing my helmet I would have died,” she said. And, with five cycling deaths on London’s roads in the past nine days, many of us want all the protection we can get.
• #6573
Claire Pepper's head became trapped under a VW Golf. “If I had not been wearing my helmet I would have died,” she said
They must have missed the bit about Claire Pepper being a qualified mechanical materials integrity engineer, as well as being 27 years old.
• #6574
There's loads of room for a non helmeted head under a golf, the helmet caused her to get stuck and probably made her hair look bad at the same time.
• #6575
Dogging. You're doing it wrong.
Seen him perform once or twice, was good.