Hello all,
First post in this here vaping thread.
I put my Kanger Subox Nano Kit on eBay the other day - 'cause I've moved on up to such things as the RX200, crown tanks, DIY juice, and the like. RDAs next methinks. I didn't realise one shouldn't sell such things on eBay. Any advice on where else I should try and punt it?
Hello all,
First post in this here vaping thread.
I put my Kanger Subox Nano Kit on eBay the other day - 'cause I've moved on up to such things as the RX200, crown tanks, DIY juice, and the like. RDAs next methinks. I didn't realise one shouldn't sell such things on eBay. Any advice on where else I should try and punt it?
Thanks in advance.