^^It will probably be coming out over extracted that way.
Grind finer than for a v60. Boil water in a kettle but stop it before it 3/4 of the way though and then put in the moka pot. This will reduce the 'boiled' taste.
Have it on a low heat with the lid open so that it comes out of the central spout in a slow ooze. Turn off the heat before the crema whites out. Cool the pot in cold water to stop the extraction (if you're as picky as I am).
As ever, good freshly ground beans will improve the flavour immensely.
^^It will probably be coming out over extracted that way.
Grind finer than for a v60. Boil water in a kettle but stop it before it 3/4 of the way though and then put in the moka pot. This will reduce the 'boiled' taste.
Have it on a low heat with the lid open so that it comes out of the central spout in a slow ooze. Turn off the heat before the crema whites out. Cool the pot in cold water to stop the extraction (if you're as picky as I am).
As ever, good freshly ground beans will improve the flavour immensely.