I think it's a keeper! Apologies to all those who have expressed an interest if it wasn't to be. I did a little 15km loop on the SystemSix earlier then did the same ride on the Breakaway. The SS felt really lively and nervous to start with, but then thinking about it, I've only been riding my Straggler for the last few months. The position was fine once I'd made a couple of adjustments once out, raising saddle etc. Going straight from the SS to the Breakaway I was expecting it to feel much less taught. I think I was expecting it to feel a bit floppy being a coupled bike but there was none of it. It wasn't as punishingly stiff like the SS yet it still felt taught. It did have that quality steel feel though where it just purrs and zings along the road. For the same given effort, there was next to no difference in pace either. I didn't do any hard efforts or sprints saying that, but then it's a travel bike, not a crit bike. Lastly I should mention that the cable couplers were fine, for the duration of a short ride at least. I did one hard brake application early on to test the rear, no issues.
I think it's a keeper! Apologies to all those who have expressed an interest if it wasn't to be. I did a little 15km loop on the SystemSix earlier then did the same ride on the Breakaway. The SS felt really lively and nervous to start with, but then thinking about it, I've only been riding my Straggler for the last few months. The position was fine once I'd made a couple of adjustments once out, raising saddle etc. Going straight from the SS to the Breakaway I was expecting it to feel much less taught. I think I was expecting it to feel a bit floppy being a coupled bike but there was none of it. It wasn't as punishingly stiff like the SS yet it still felt taught. It did have that quality steel feel though where it just purrs and zings along the road. For the same given effort, there was next to no difference in pace either. I didn't do any hard efforts or sprints saying that, but then it's a travel bike, not a crit bike. Lastly I should mention that the cable couplers were fine, for the duration of a short ride at least. I did one hard brake application early on to test the rear, no issues.
I think I need a holiday to try it properly now.