• I'm reading Ham on Rye at the minute, finished most of it in a couple of days. It's the first novel of Bukowski's I've read, would Factotum be a good one to go for next? Also, recommendations for similar authors would be great, I tend to fall into a trap of reading nothing but books by the same for a while once I realise I'll probably enjoy it.

  • Factotum is excellent but I'd read Post Office next, @ltc. It was the first proper book he wrote and is important with regards to all the other books he wrote afterwards.
    I hear Dan Fante is good, and a similar writer to Bukowski. John Fante, his father, was an inspiration to Bukowski and is often quoted as his favourite writer. I quite like John Fante myself - it's quite 'beat'. I'm getting Chump Change by Dan Fante, it's meant to be excellent.
