Yeah, I get the feeling that they are banking on it being interesting to more americans because of the military angle, and most Americans having family or friends who have been in the military at one point or another.
"what he was thinking when he walked off?"... I'm not sure I care really.
I have to say I do find this an interesting question, and I hope the reason they are trying to play this up is that the real answer, the only thing that could actually make sense of the situation, is that America and the whole effort in Afghanistan was so endemically, structurally and pathologically insane from the off, that walking off into the middle of nowhere was the only sane response. Because THAT would be a strong point if you could convince my fellow yanks...
You post pretty much nails it.
S1 always had the potential to be resolved, so when it wasn't that in itself was a surprise. I fully expected to find out the "truth".
S2? Well we know why thingybob says he ran off, and to the best of my knowledge the Army haven't disputed it, and I can't see why they need to. If ture it's hardly a mitigating factor / defense, is it?
It's interesting enough just hearing first hand accounts of what goes on from all sides out there . But i kind of feel as if the centre of the S2 story is totally lacking jeopardy. What happens to Bo is surely the difference between subtly different flavours of fucked by a bizarre military justice system, as a coda to something horrible that has already happened.
From that point of view the whole premise for the show of "as told week by week" is more or less meaningless. It's 90% excerpts from interviews that were done a while ago, eked out try and build tension and timed (presumably) to peak at around the time some announcement on the case is due. I'm assuming the change to bi-weekly is a reaction to a change in that schedule. It's all a bit silly.
As to the nub of the story they keep dangling: "what he was thinking when he walked off?" Does it really matter? I'm not sure I care really.
I'll keep listening like the whore I am though.