• Thanks both

    I'll certainly do several reps of each test, maybe even work out the mean of all the runs. The test as I imagine it would be: Get to the top of the gentle hill at the industrial estate on a windless day at 20 mph. Stop pedalling at a set point and start a timer. Roll down the other side of the hill until it levels out and I roll to a stop, stop the timer and chalk a line on the floor. Repeat a couple of times. Make setup change, repeat. If the weather changes go home.

    That Aerolab stuff looks great, alas I am way, way too lazy to look all that stuff up and do all those calculations. I'm just looking for something slightly better than a subjective feeling in competition which is what my setup is based on so far.

  • There aren't really any calculations. You just google some air pressure value, estimate Crr value and then move sliders up and down.

    But sure, the roll down tests, if you can get them repeatable will give you some idea about whether a change is working. Still need to keep an eye on the weather though - air pressure or wind changes during it might throw your results - I don't know how quickly air pressure changes. Xav might be able to give you more hints on doing roll down tests. The slevless forum and TTF probably have some decent discussions too.
