Hah I know the feeling. I put off fitting mine for a loooonnng time.
It was a bit fiddly as there's a couple things to consider with that light:
You might find the bolt too long - I had to cut about 5mm off the end of mine.
There's a little plastic nub that sticks out of the back of the light. In my case this meant it wouldn't sit flush on the mudguard so I used a thick rubber washer that I stole from un-used mudguard hardware to take up the space. This also helped too smooth out the arch of the mudguard.
And generally I would recommend a trip to maplin (or somewhere reasonably priced) beforehand to stock up on electrical tape, heatshrink, and small cable ties.
Probably took me a couple of hours, but I not very competent :)
Ok, cheers. I probably just need to bite the bullet and get on with it. I also have the B+M Secula.