Yeah, Bungie got some shit over that business model.
I quite like the idea of incremental DLC for a number of years (rather than copypasta versions year in year out) but they fucked up with gamekilling unles you bought TTK, only available with all the previous stuff.
I got Destiny with my PS4 last year (when it was new) didn't bother with DLC, then bought TTK disc version for £25.
Cheeky fuckers though, it was the standard disc with 5 codes to enter to get the DLC packs from the PSN.
I bought Destiny when it came out. I also bought the two expansions when they came out for like £20 a piece. I haven't touched it since The Taken King came out until yesterday. I went to play some pvp and realised the crucible is all locked down. Since TTK came out they have locked me out of the game modes I used to play, and likewise the daily and weekly strike missions. That sucks.
"Ok" I thought, "I'll just get TKK as an expansion for £20 like last time." The cost is quickly racking up, but let's see. Can you download just TKK? Nope, all you can buy is the version with the original game and 2 previous expansions. Now I'm basically being called a mug by Bungie for being £80 deep in a game I can no longer play and have to buy the whole thing all over again with an rrp of £50.
Proper shit service to everyone that bought the game before TKK.