• #10577
Must have happened not long before I passed as the traffic was just starting to back up.
That's what I thought (going through there about 8.45am) but...
4.52am first report of it happening:-
https://twitter.com/TfLTrafficNews/status/6842361129661030406.33am there's a picture of it:-
https://twitter.com/TfLTrafficNews/status/68426280144404889610.17am and they've finally got a truck out to recover it
https://twitter.com/TfLTrafficNews/status/6843177512682577925 and a half hours. Nice.
• #10578
First ride into town of the new year. The marshes (Walthamstow) were shrouded in an amazing low mist early doors. It was breathtaking. Pretty much every cyclist stopped to take pictures.
One simply cannot do that on the tube.
• #10579
Yep, there was this one near me http://islingtonnow.co.uk/2013/03/20/car-turns-over-due-to-traffic-restriction-measures-at-drayton-park/
The solution was to remove the chicane/cycle path segregation that the drivers were all driving into so that if they were going too fast and couldn't control it they could just carry on into the cycle lane. Super.
• #10580
"If cars are turning themselves over at this point it suggests that it’s not designed in a way that drivers understand how to use it"
Fuck off.
• #10581
Agree - banana skins is another favourite especially on sportives. Negligent if fell out, disgraceful if thrown.
• #10582
Those flipping vans.
• #10583
But sling one in a hedge and it becomes harmless worm food, no? Useful compost, even...?
• #10584
I was through about 7.30am - with school still not back perhaps the traffic is generally lighter.
• #10585
Indeed - van driver quite literally just rolled over.
• #10586
Not really as its not naturally grown in the UK.
• #10587
Same as seeing CO2 canisters, gel wrappers or the like.
@Sparky you think you're seeing CO2 canisters in the road, more likely to be NO2 canisters left by 'thrill seekers'. Saw the post-party debris of loads of them in a a gutter somewhere on a walk the other day, was really horrible to see such litter, so slippy, much dangerous.
• #10588
@greenhell I like the fact that you call out people who I am afraid of. Please come to Brockley more, there are so many weapons-grade weapons in shit over engineered 'sports coupes' around my way who drive like utter units.
• #10589
Yup, I've seen those. But not likely in Kent hills or Surrey forests.
• #10590
Edit: A van is child's play though. I've seen brand new German saloon cars upside down in 30 limits. Now that takes skillz.
Vorsprung durch Technik ...
• #10591
Huge thanks to whoever it was on the CS7 just now whose last second signalling enabled me to avoid a moped delivery driver dicking around in the cycle lane.
• #10592
i'm going to get my face pounded in one of these days for my troubles. damo's pro commuting tips paid off dividends. not a belm in sight!
• #10593
Amateur hour, I deserve a free copy of Nodder Weekly for this one.
- Puncture
- Replacement tube valve too short for shamal vs pump
- Old tube has two holes one either side, realise this is probably due to rough handling when I put it in.
- One patch doesn't fit, two patches overlap, either way old tube doesn't retain air.
At least I didn't tip my van on its side. 4/10.
- Puncture
• #10594
I just got fucking egged on seven sisters road on the hill coming down from manor house. Saw "debris" on the road, then a group on the pavement and seconds later a loud whak on my backpack. Thought it was some kind of mechanical failure at first but no, just dutty egg. Not even organic.
Part of me is fantacising about murder, the other part wants to lol.
• #10595
Zactly, all about the personal responsibility: you brought it, you take it away.
• #10596
harmless worm food, no? Useful compost
I'll remind you of this, when you catch me taking a shit in your garden...
• #10597
Smiles all round.
• #10598
Mega diesel slick all the way from Surrey Quays to Waterloo, careful out there. Road was slipperier than a cashmere condom in places and the bike looked rainbow coloured when I got to work.
• #10599
Switched from 48x17 to 48x19 overnight.
Much more fun now. Spins for days and I now laugh in the face of every hill on my route.
I marvel at the ability of Londoners to flip their cars on residential streets. Especially since they started "moose testing" new cars. Maybe they should introduce a "Londoner test" instead.
Edit: A van is child's play though. I've seen brand new German saloon cars upside down in 30 limits. Now that takes skillz.