20 mile circuit if it's the R12/95. Seems a bit silly to go to Wales when I have the H12/8 on my doorstep, but I did enjoy the Welsh 100 and I think the Newbury 12 might fill this year.
Presumably those with a 12hr distance qualify first, then fastest 100s?
Pretty sure the CTT ruling is pretty specific that it counts for nothing, including seeding for future races, meaning that if RJB wants to compete this year he'll have to do an early season race as well...
20 mile circuit if it's the R12/95. Seems a bit silly to go to Wales when I have the H12/8 on my doorstep, but I did enjoy the Welsh 100 and I think the Newbury 12 might fill this year.
Presumably those with a 12hr distance qualify first, then fastest 100s?