20 mile circuit if it's the R12/95. Seems a bit silly to go to Wales when I have the H12/8 on my doorstep, but I did enjoy the Welsh 100 and I think the Newbury 12 might fill this year.
Presumably those with a 12hr distance qualify first, then fastest 100s?
For some reason I think I enjoyed the Welsh 12hr - can't find blog about it though. Not likely to be as fast as Newbury as I think it might've had some lumps.
20 mile circuit if it's the R12/95. Seems a bit silly to go to Wales when I have the H12/8 on my doorstep, but I did enjoy the Welsh 100 and I think the Newbury 12 might fill this year.
Presumably those with a 12hr distance qualify first, then fastest 100s?