My A6000 got wet when I got caught out in the rain a few days ago and now this error message keeps popping up. Super annoying.
A bit of googling suggests this is common when the hotshoe gets a bit damp but it's been two days now and it spent last night sitting in a bowl of rice to dry out. No change. Camera works fine otherwise but it's very frustrating because the error pops up every few seconds.
My A6000 got wet when I got caught out in the rain a few days ago and now this error message keeps popping up. Super annoying.
A bit of googling suggests this is common when the hotshoe gets a bit damp but it's been two days now and it spent last night sitting in a bowl of rice to dry out. No change. Camera works fine otherwise but it's very frustrating because the error pops up every few seconds.
Repair centre job? :(
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