I've got Musson s book. How does it compare to Jobsts?
For the casual home builder, is it worth having both for reference or is one preferred over the other?
How does it compare to Jobsts?
Dunno, I got "The Bicycle Wheel" in about 1984 and have never felt the need to seek out anything else.
For the casual home builder, a book isn't really needed at all. There's more than enough free information on the internet to take you from starter to advanced wheel builder, even if you disregard the fact that "The Bicycle Wheel" should be free de jure because authors' rights for dead people are ridiculous, and is free de facto because a pdf comes up as about the third google search result :-)
Now that Jobst is dead, I don't feel too bad about letting you know that it's pretty easy to find his book as a free pdf download. He deserved every penny he made from it, since it was our bible back then and remains a solid grounding in the principles of tensioned-wire wheels.