This canted wheel design is already riding on a portion of the tyre which would see infrequent use on a "normal" bike
Not really. We covered this 3 years ago, he has about 3-4° of camber, which is not much different from what we all ride on most of the time by having our road surfaces cambered to improve drainage. You don't need special wheels, tyres or even steering geometry to ride on that much camber, the standard structures cope perfectly well, and the rider can easily compensate for the small amount of camber steer without even thinking about it.
Not really. We covered this 3 years ago, he has about 3-4° of camber, which is not much different from what we all ride on most of the time by having our road surfaces cambered to improve drainage. You don't need special wheels, tyres or even steering geometry to ride on that much camber, the standard structures cope perfectly well, and the rider can easily compensate for the small amount of camber steer without even thinking about it.