I expect not having a mortgage or rent to worry about is a big part of being able to just up and off.
It's taken me 3 months to find work again, and it might be all over in 6 months when the new contractor takes over, so the concept of 6 months working and 6 months off is non-workable for me as you need the stash of cash to keep going and restart your life........ be different when i finish the mortgage off and don't to need to think about repayments :(
It appears the normal form is to have a killer blog page, work at it, then write a book to fund another adventure and do a dvd to sell as well, along with lecture tours.
The adventure for some begins to self fund.
I'm working on the no mortgage thing. Unfortunately that means WORKING on the no mortgage thing. I loved touring for 4 months when i got to Europe but I really liked getting home after that too. Not sure how long I could be a nomad for.
I expect not having a mortgage or rent to worry about is a big part of being able to just up and off.
It's taken me 3 months to find work again, and it might be all over in 6 months when the new contractor takes over, so the concept of 6 months working and 6 months off is non-workable for me as you need the stash of cash to keep going and restart your life........ be different when i finish the mortgage off and don't to need to think about repayments :(
It appears the normal form is to have a killer blog page, work at it, then write a book to fund another adventure and do a dvd to sell as well, along with lecture tours.
The adventure for some begins to self fund.