Events are now timezone unaware, and at the same moment they are timezone aware.
Basically we no longer attempt to do clever things, we don't try and look at the timezone you are in, or where the event is... now, whatever date and time you enter... that is when the event happens locally.
But... search. Search does need to know about timezones, so if you create/edit an event do check that whatever the timezone is, is the correct one.
Events are now timezone unaware, and at the same moment they are timezone aware.
Basically we no longer attempt to do clever things, we don't try and look at the timezone you are in, or where the event is... now, whatever date and time you enter... that is when the event happens locally.
But... search. Search does need to know about timezones, so if you create/edit an event do check that whatever the timezone is, is the correct one.