Ok, so I finally got round to plotting some routes... and I cannot figure out how this works. What course code should I be putting in? I've tried variations of (for example) "E1/10a E 4.8 518369 518369 Wendens Ambo/ Quentin", mainly on the "grid references" (which google doesn't seem to recognise unless the course starts in Singapore).
Any tips?
Just search for the CTT course code (ie E1/10a), usually someone will have plotted it on Strava: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=E1/10a&gbv=1&sei=eLB1VtD-KcitU9CYjLAL
Yeah a lot of the District sites seem like they were designed around 1998 and have not been updated much since. Even the CTT site is a bit crap.
Also, ensure you have a cheque book if you want to enter an Open event, as not all accept internet entries............