"Why is there no picture of the actual bike?"
Who said it was a bike ?
"The OP admits so him- or herself (or whatever, it could of course be an alien). Not only that, but the chainring is allegedly a different colour, and it's black, which is totally racist."
You're just stuck in the western gender-race-sexuality identity paradigm, to me there is no black or white only different shades of grey.
"What is therefore pretty certain is that this bike doesn't exist and tynan (which could be an alien or a robot) is selling nothing to get enough money to attend the beatification service."
If this doesn't sell in the next 24 hours I'm going to use it to cycle to Rome.
We should stop to think here for a moment. Why is there no picture of the actual bike? The OP admits so him- or herself (or whatever, it could of course be an alien). Not only that, but the chainring is allegedly a different colour.
What is therefore pretty certain is that this bike doesn't exist and tynan (which could be an alien or a robot) is selling nothing to get enough money to attend the beatification service. Don't say you haven't been warned.