Ha, yeah that might of been it, it defo didn't sound like you!
I was maybe a little quick on the trigger finger, but I'm always on edge in police stations, small death traps, and how many times have we mistaken a hostile for one of our own, the school massacre was the last example maybe? I remember climbing down a ladder into a hail of bullets and thinking "stop kidding about you guys!" until the hail made contact and I was dead, along with @o_O
If you use the newui launch option you gain at least 10fps btw. If I get my Hack running this weekend I am tempted to drop a decent card in it...
I'm annoyed it wasn't recording, I'm pretty sure I shouted "suprise muthafucker!"* although I mayy have been holding down shift rather than caps lock (i was on teamspeak at the time)
In my defence I then proceeded to stand still and do nothing until I received a hail of bullets in my direction haha