Rob Penns books are good reading
Last year I got one of his and also something about the 'Terrible Tour of Italy' with a similarly lo-fi cartoonish cover. I haven't started either of them yet but hopefully will do so soon.
The most useless gift I've ever received was a ceramic olive rack, which seats about a dozen olives in a single row.
I feel genuinely guilty at the amount of human effort that has gone into designing and making something so pretentious, and that it has been cartonned and shipped and placed on a shelf and sold and wrapped and presented lovingly.
I genuinely worry that some people think that they actually deserve an olive rack rather than a humble (and multi-purpose) bowl.
I have been asking for Good Gifts for years because I am too embarrassed to own another olive rack.
edit - although, having thought about it, now I have a little space I would quite like some woodworking tools. Too late for this year though. Bugger.
I believe this years cycling gift is a Bigtop saddle roll, but then I was asked what I'd like from secret santa. Rob Penns books are good reading, trees, bikes, take yer pick.