When my mate had one of those super comfy BMC grand fondos, and I had a reputedly brutal riding feeling aero Road bike. We swapped bikes to test.
Seemed reputation was correct.
Then we swapped wheels, and instantly felt like we were back on our own bikes again. So I definitely think the effect of comfort orientated frames is exaggerated. It's the total build.
I hope you are right, my crabon 50s were brutal - and that was on 23s! I've switched to Alu/carbon wide wheels for '16 training. Still starting to work out what to do for the summer. Has anyone got an opinion about Hed jets?
Then we swapped wheels, and instantly felt like we were back on our own bikes again. So I definitely think the effect of comfort orientated frames is exaggerated. It's the total build.
I reckon the tyres would be the culprit here, you are running tubs after all.
When my mate had one of those super comfy BMC grand fondos, and I had a reputedly brutal riding feeling aero Road bike. We swapped bikes to test.
Seemed reputation was correct.
Then we swapped wheels, and instantly felt like we were back on our own bikes again. So I definitely think the effect of comfort orientated frames is exaggerated. It's the total build.
..... Obviously I rebuilt my wheels.