@ferriswheeler@Cacofonix Someone PM'd just ahead of you guys, so I'll give you a shout on here of any developments
@Bike_bean it is 55ctc indeed. @chokalateboywonder It's such a frikking awesome frame. Part of me doesn't really want to sell it because of how great it was to ride, but it'll just end up as a pretty object not being used. Can't have that.
@ferriswheeler @Cacofonix Someone PM'd just ahead of you guys, so I'll give you a shout on here of any developments
@Bike_bean it is 55ctc indeed.
@chokalateboywonder It's such a frikking awesome frame. Part of me doesn't really want to sell it because of how great it was to ride, but it'll just end up as a pretty object not being used. Can't have that.